German canals - bulletin seven


Dear all,

Just a short bulletin - the old boat (currently snoozing on land at Elburg in the Netherlands) is now booked for next season in to Ardfern marina, on Loch Craignish near Oban - and we are the proud new owners of a cottage, also in Ardfern! This splendid village has a pub and a classy village shop that discreetly wraps purchases of Carlsberg Special Brew in brown paper bags. The scenery is spectacular, with misty seascapes stretching to the Outer Hebrides and waters teeming with porpoises, sea otters, giant squid (No! Totty) and innumerable sea birds. If you interested in looking at the surroundings go to and look at their picture gallery. They are just outside the village.

Also close by is the terrible Gulf of Corryvreckan, of which the 'Sailing Directions' say....."The warnings which invariably accompany descriptions of this notorious gulf should be carefully heeded.....overfalls.....most awesome.....can rise to a height of 4 meters, accompanied by a loud roaring noise.....a heavy westerly swell can more than double the height of standing waves to 8 or 9 extreme conditions the roar can be audible in Crinan, 6 miles away."

So we look forward to some really bowel-loosening boating next year and invite friends and relatives to come and join the fun.

But.... even more exciting, the new cottage has Three bogs, taking our sum total of lavatories now owned to EIGHT - many of which work quite well. Relatives and friends can bask in the prestige which is generated by knowing people with such extensive bog ownership - we will have six in Scotland, three on the boat and an equal number in the cottage. Such choice, but of course, such weighty responsibilities!

No more of this until next year - then much of the new obligations and terrors.

Have a good winter.